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For Attendees

SIGMOD: Paper Formatting Instructions

Camera-ready submission instructions

Complete instructions for preparing the final version of accepted SIGMOD papers are available here.


Draft submission instructions

File Type and Length

File type: Papers are to be submitted as a single PDF file, formatted for 8.5" x 11" paper, and no more than 5MB in file size. (Larger files will be rejected by the submission site.) It is essential that submitted papers print without difficulty on a variety of printers, using Adobe Acrobat Reader. It is the absolute responsibility of the authors to ensure that their submitted PDF file will print easily on simple default configurations.

Length: The length of submission depends on the kind of submissions. Research papers must be at most 12 pages long, while Demo papers must be at most 3 pages long.

Double-blind reviewing

As has become the tradition for SIGMOD, research papers will be judged for quality and relevance through double-blind reviewing, where the identities of the authors are withheld from the reviewers. Thus, author names and affiliations must not appear in research papers, and bibliographic references must be adjusted to preserve author anonymity. Industrial, demonstration, tutorial, and panel submissions are not subject to double-blind reviewing.

Formatting Instructions

Papers must adhere to the ACM proceedings format, using one of the provided templates (see below). It is not permissible under any circumstance to change the template's font size, margins, inter-column spacing, or line spacing. Templates are available in Word and LaTeX (version 2e). For the LaTeX formats, you may use either the standard style or the SIG-alternate style.

Document Templates (Updated 11/5/2008)

Templates are available for the following formats:

Option 1: LaTeX2e - Strict Adherence to SIGS style

Use this set of files to produce articles with NO permission block, or copyright line. This style strictly adheres to the SIGS (Pubs-board-endorsed) style.

Option 2: LaTeX2e - Tighter Alternate style - (may reduce the total number of pages)

Use this set of files to produce articles WITH the permission block, conference location, copyright line, etc. This style essentially conforms to the style yet produces a tighter-looking format which invariably means fewer pages.

All Document Templates (tar.gz)

Note: The provided template files are essentially identical to the ACM SIG Proceedings Templates. The only difference is that page numbering is enabled in order to assist the reviewers when writing their comments. The camera-ready version of the accepted papers will be based on the official ACM templates.







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